Friday, February 19, 2010

Big News!!!!!

So we can FINALLY say that after some time and some heartbreak mixed in there, we are having another baby! Christian is SUPER excited about being a big brother. He not so secretly hopes it will be a dinosaur. My OB pointed out that an egg would probably be easier to deliver than a baby. Our original due date was September 9 but has since moved up to the 5th on paper. We are already measuring a tad big. Lord help me.


kpalm said...


Veronica said...

he/she is already beautiful!!!

Nina said...

Congrats!! :D

jend said...

This is all very exciting! I have to say, this post cracked me up...not so secretly hoping it's a dino! Too Funny! We couldn't be happier for the two of you! So glad to see everything is going so well!!!! Hope you are feeling well!!!