Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Christian has really enjoyed watching Daddy play soccer over the last few months; so much so that we signed him up for a soccer skills class to get him started. Our biggest obstacle is to teach him not to touch the ball with his hands. He'll get there.

Last week was his first class. He seemed to really enjoy himself until the end. The class is at a gymnastics center so they utilize some of the gym equipment for his soccer class. One of them is the foam pit with the trampoline runway. Everyone had to dribble the ball down and them jump in the pit. Christian came to a complete standstill and refused to jump in. When I asked him about it after class, he said he didn't want to jump into the FIRE pit. "buddy! there's no FIRE! It's just soft!" "I don't want to go in the fire pit mommy." Today was his second class and he did much better handling the ball without stopping it with his hands and even jumped into the fire pit!!

I tried to take pictures but the parents sit out in the lobby behind windows so they came out blurry...but you can get the point.

One thing that I discovered today when getting Christian ready for class is that he HAD to wear his yellow soccer shirt. It probably has to do with the fact that Rich's goalie shirt is yellow and he wears it for every game. Just like Daddy :)

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