Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Die, Die, DIE!

So the three of us are sitting outside drawing with our new bucket of sidewalk chalk on the front walkway when a big red ant walks by Rich. He then takes his chalk and squishes the ant while saying "Die". Christian took all of this in and then looked around him and saw HUNDREDS of little black ants crawling around him, looked at the pile of chalk he had pilfered from mom and dad and the wheels started turning. (I love when you have a toddler; you can LITERALLY see the wheels turning when they are thinking something through) So before Rich and I know it, Christian is repeatedly pounding the pavement with his selected chalk and saying "DIE, DIE, DIE". OVER and OVER again. And this isn't just in a cute little boy voice. This is like Chucky has possessed our son's body and using him like a puppet and speaking in his creepy adult voice. It stopped after a while but every once in a while we will hear christian in another part of the room going "die, die" and we just look at each other and say "eventually he will forget that one, RIGHT?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In my own defense it was a red ant and it was trying to gnaw my leg off.