Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The fine art of eating no-no.

Christian LOVES yogurt. It's not actually CALLED yogurt in our house; its called "no-no". (Lord knows where this name for yogurt came from but we are going with it....) He frequently asks for yogurt after dinner for his dessert; last night he actually REFUSED the chocolate chip cookie that TeeTee Kerrin brought for him and asked for no-no instead. Well, not only does Christian like the taste of yogurt but I think he truly ENJOYS the ACT of eating yogurt and strives to beat his last performance every time. Here are some pictures of the actual act and then the aftermath .

Christian just recently acquired this skill. This is how he finishes off his milk in the morning after he has eaten his cereal. TeeTee said he will probably just replace the bowl with a beer in a few years.

(Sometimes, if I am truly lucky, he flips the bowl over on top of his head like a hat. Those are the good days. :) Auntie Kerrin thought Christian was dead ringer for Col. Sanders after the no-no. (There is some tomato sauce on his cheeks under the yogurt too. This was one of those meals that we REALLY enjoyed.)

1 comment:

justbarely said...

My oldest was obsessed with yogurt milk for about a year. The recipe for yogurt milk is quite simple--put some milk in a sippy cup, add a couple of spoonfuls of yogurt, put the cap on it and shake it up. She called it "annum'--like "no-no," who knows where that name came from. The best was when I'd find a ripe week or two old cup of annum under her bed...