Monday, August 4, 2008

Living like a Rockefeller.

Due to recent events, I liked the title :)

Christian and I went to White Plains for a weekend with Dad. Saturday was a bummer of a start because it was like the end of the world outside for the first half of the day. Seriously, I have never seen so much lightening...we are also up on the sixth floor so we were CLOSER to it I guess but it was still amazing. I think Christian thought it was more of the fireworks he loves so much. We did get out and walked to PF Chang's for dinner. Never been was amazing. YUM.

Sunday we went on an adventure. Literally. The Google totally failed us and did not give very good directions. We were on the hunt for the Rockefeller Natural Preserve. We eventually did find it after asking for directions at two different gas stations in Pleasantville, NY. (seriously, want to live there..everyone walks down the street holding hands and skipping...kidding.)
We bought a map at the second gas station and got our bearings and headed in the direction was thought the park was in. Eventually we did find it. It's beautiful there; tons of walking trails and nature. We took tons of pictures; tried a gazillion times to get Christian to just LOOK at the camera. NOT interested.

The funny part of the day: So earlier in our walk we had come upon three turtles sunning themselves on a log. One of them kept turning around as Rich snapped the photos as though trying to show us his "good side". A while later we came to a part in the trail where big stones had been set into the lake to provide a path over a shallow part of the lake. Rich headed over first and I hung back for the photo op. As he walked over he said "Oh look! Another turtle!" I ran over to snap a photo as he pointed back towards a stone the path. I looked down and saw a little head poking out from under the rock in the water. The head was attached to a rather long neck...

"Hun, I don't think that's a turtle."
"Sure it is!"
"I don't think turtles have necks that long. That's a snake."
"NO, that's a turtle."
"Do turtles have striped necks?"
(upon closer inspection on Rich's part)
"OH..YEAH..that IS a SNAKE!"

(now me, who is afraid of snakes, has to walk over the path by MYSELF carrying the camera and beach bag trying not to squeal like a five year old girl.)

All in all, great day. And new material to harass Rich with relentlessly. Thanks, Babe!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had a great time with you guys....Sigh. Friday is only a few days away, right?